One fine evening my father thought of buying a Rain Gauge. But after he found out that we could make a Rain Gauge ourselves he changed his mind. We saw a video and found out what we wanted. We cut a plastic bottle in two and in the bottom part we put some pebbles. We drew a line with a ruler and marked the centimetres. We cut the paper and we stuck it using the tape.
For the top part we turned it upside down, removed the lid and stuck it using tape making a funnel. Though we had a little trouble finding pebbles, the rest was easy to find.
We made the rain gauge quickly and put it out. The next morning when we checked it and there was 9 mm in it. We marked it on the diary and so on for the next day. The days flew by and each day we would get up and eagerly look at the Rain Gauge, hoping to measure how much it rained the day before.